The Naples Players’ special performances for individuals with sensory challenges on track to sell out again

Sound of Music Relaxed Sensory Stage
Last fall, for the first time in the history of The Naples Players (TNP), the “relaxed” performances offered to individuals with sensory challenges sold out. These performances allowed individuals living with autism, sensory processing disorders, Alzheimer’s, and many other physical and neurological challenges to experience theater without the pressure or overstimulation of a traditional performance.
In December 2022, TNP offered special performances of A Christmas Carol, the Musical to 174 individuals who experience some type of sensory challenge. Lights and sounds were modified to ensure a more comfortable experience for those who may become agitated or afraid in a typical theater environment.
Children as young as eight years old and adults into their ninties were referred by partner organizations including Collier County Public Schools, Alzheimer’s Support Network, STARabiity Foundation, and Valerie’s House, to enjoy the performances. The response from those who attended, including caregivers, was positive, with many expressing gratitude to TNP for demonstrating empathy by providing special programs to meet their needs.
In July 2022, Disney® began offering new movie previews at select theaters to be more inclusive of those with sensory issues which can be triggered by sound, light, and even smells. Based on their resounding success, Disney plans to expand its more inclusive new movie offerings.
L to R: Cast Sound of Music, Sound of Music Relaxed Sensory Audience, Sound of Music Cast Relaxed Sensory
The Sound of Music, which was performed in March, also offered the next opportunity for a Sensory-Friendly Performance.