Advertiser’s Failure to Run Advertising/Short-Rate
All agreements for advertising frequency discounts require that the specified number of advertisements be Published within a specified period and be promptly paid for. In the event of Advertiser’s or its Agency’s cancellation of any portion of any advertising order/contract or failure to have Published and paid for the specified number of advertisements, or if at any time Florida Neighborhood News in its reasonable judgment determines that Advertiser is not likely to Publish and pay for the total amount of advertising specified during the term of the agreement, any rate discount will be retroactively nullified, including for previously Published advertisements, and may result in a short-rate. In such event, Advertiser and/or Agency must reimburse Florida Neighborhood News for the short-rate (which is the difference between the rate charged on the contracted frequency and the higher rate based on the reduced frequency of advertisements actually Published and paid for) within 30 days of invoice therefore and Advertiser will thereafter pay for advertising at the open rate or at the earned rate(s) as applicable.