Be happy with Artist Irina Alexandrina

Pool Party, 14 x 14
I want to be happy! This is how 99% of women answer the question: “What do you want in life?” Men can still strive to make a career, to earn bountiful money, to be successful, to rule the world. Women put happiness first.
Everyone has a different idea of what happiness is. But there is always a desire to shine, to enjoy, to give joy, to live a full life...
For those who have made a conscious decision to learn to be happier, here is some advice:
— Allow yourself to have fun. Find something that makes you happy. It could be an interesting hobby, chatting with friends, watching your favorite movies, walking in the park, purchasing a wonderful piece of art, dancing, and much more.
— Give joy to those around you and share your happiness with them. Give gifts, show attention, take care of someone from the bottom of your heart. Almost always, having given joy and happiness to another, you receive your own in return.
— Love and accept yourself as you are. It is foolish to wait for you or something in life to change (for example, will you lose weight or meet a man) to be happy. You do not have another you to be happy. Be confident in your charming uniqueness.
— Change the direction of your thoughts - learn to see positive aspects in any negative situation. If you get sick, this is a great opportunity to read a book, or just relax in bed. If you get fired, you can visit relatives, meet with friends, and find another, more interesting job.
Your happiness depends on you. Just look at these uplifting and confident paintings by Irina Alexandrina. She captures the spirit of happiness and confidence. Celebrate, have fun! And also work on your perception of the world, grow, change, and increase your self-worth. These are sure paths to happiness.

Irina Alexandrina’s paintings are displayed at East West Fine Art in Mercato.
9118 Strada Place • Unit 8130