Closing the Financial Divide with Personal Philanthropy

The Naples Woman’s Club selected forty-one Collier County residents to receive scholarships at the 2024 Scholarship Award Reception.
In 2024, the Naples Woman’s Club awarded over $289,500 in scholarships to Collier County students. NWC supports high school seniors, technical school students, college students, educators, and mature women. In 2024, among the 41 applicants qualifying for scholarships, a few were “first generation” applicants, the first in their families to attend college, and one was the first in the family to speak English, as a new United States citizen. One recipient, Emily Gutierrez, said, "The impact of your generosity goes beyond academics. Your support has allowed me to pursue my education and instilled in me a sense of responsibility to make a positive impact in the world."
For over a decade, the Naples Woman’s Club members have been pooling their resources under the Circle of Support umbrella to further the education of Collier County residents. The Naples Woman’s Club Circle of Support (COS) program works closely with the Collier Community Foundation to identify deserving applicants. Now, for the first time, Naples Woman’s Club is asking Collier County residents to join us. We are opening our circle to the public, to encourage everyone who values education and cares about our community to be a part of this effort.
In 2025 the Naples Woman’s Club plans to invite those who contribute to the Annual Donor Scholarship Appreciation Reception, thereby providing the chance to meet the students who will have benefited from COS and to be captivated by their stories of personal hardships, aspirations, and achievements. Having this experience for donors personalizes philanthropy in a way that is not often available in Naples, a community that is overwhelmed with philanthropic opportunities.
About the Naples Woman’s Club

The Naples Woman's Club (NWC) is a non-profit organization dedicated to making the community a better place for all by providing service, philanthropy, and opportunities for education. The organization hosts numerous charitable, educational, and social events throughout the year, promoting community engagement and friendship among women. Founded in 1932, NWC has supported the Collier County community with grants, scholarships, and volunteer hours, donating over $4M to those who need it most.