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  • Guest Writer

Above and beyond

brizmaker | shutterstock


John Bunyan said, “You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.”

There have been instances in which angels have disguised themselves as general contractors, or maybe a general contractor has disguised themselves as an angel.

My only knowledge is that it happened and that I witnessed it firsthand. The occurrence might be attributed to luck, timing, or divine intervention. Personally, I think it was all three of those circumstances that created a connection between ProCraft Exteriors, a general contractor with a headquarters in Marco, and Protected Harbor, a housing facility for adults with special needs in Ft. Myers. The 2023 version of the odd couple. Wait, maybe not.

My name is Cindy, and this is a story of timing, coincidence, people making connections, and of people understanding the importance of helping others because it’s the right thing to do. As a member of Protected Harbor's marketing committee, I'm always thinking of connections that can assist them, especially in a time of need. During a meeting, our Executive Director mentioned that Hurricane Ian had done some substantial damage to our building’s roof, and she was unable to get anyone to return her calls.

I suggested that, albeit a long shot, I had just met someone at the dry cleaners and perhaps ProCraft Exteriors could help. This is where the “amazing” kicks in. Jimmy, the contact I had met, informed me that he understood exactly what we did at Protected Harbor because he had a stepdaughter with special needs. During our conversation, I told him that we were seeking help at all levels. He said to sit tight, he would call me back in five minutes.

Within four minutes a call came in that ProCraft Exteriors would help at all levels and work with Protected Harbor to replace the roof. Since then, they have been a partner every step of the way. ProCraft Exteriors never hesitated to help because helping others is part of their business philosophy. We were truly blessed by these angels in disguise and can’t thank them enough for all that did for us. If you or someone you know is looking for a roofing company, I can assure you that they will exceed your needs at every level.


For more information, please visit their website at or

give them a call at 239.970.8116.


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